Canada would not be Canada if it were not for the land and wealth that indigenous peoples were deprived of in order for this country to grow. Palmater mentions that the land that rightfully belonged to the Indigenous peoples was unethically taken away from them for the purpose of the country’s farms, oil extraction, mining, and overall development. Both Bonspiel and Kassam argue that this was a cause of the British North America Act of July 1, 1867, which did not declare Canadian independence from Britain, and still allowed them to mistreat the Indigenous peoples by stealing their lands, territories, and resources. A nomadic lifestyle would presumably make one a disqualifier from land title, however even those indigenous nations that were not nomadic, were not Christian, a religion in which Europeans believed was a necessity to own land (Jhappan 6). Palmater also mentions that the Indian Act of 1876 was a large contributor to land claims.…