In researching the shortcomings of American Indian and Native Alaskan (AIAN) education, it has become clear that for reform to be effective, new pedagogical approaches must be employed to combat invisibility and marginalization, in addition to, starting preparation early for students to enter their educational careers. The following articles look at the current state of AIAN education and suggest that multiple changes be made to close the achievement gap that has existed since the AIAN’s forced participation in western culture. Not only is the AIAN population battling poverty, but their culture is also victim to systematic verbal and nonverbal racism. This is significant because the last two centuries of American education have …show more content…
In Native American Education in Chicago Teach Them Truth David R. M. Beck argues that educators have to not only practice CRS but teach the Native American children the truth about their heritage. What is distinct about Beck’s research is that he took a historical approach to viewing how American Indians have been taught explicitly to forget their heritage by the national education system. The educational system accomplished this by leaving out their history as well as the inclusion of dialogue that would encourage a positive bias towards the state.
Beck compared the process assimilation of the American Indian to that of the African American. He broke down works like The Miseducation of the Negro by C.G. Woodson and Education for extinction by D.W. Adams. Beck used Woodson indictment on education pulling from the following passage,
“it is strange, then, that the friends of truth and the promoters of freedom have not risen up against the present propaganda in school and crushed it. This crusade is much more important than the anti-lynching movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the classroom. (p.3)” (Beck p.237).
The above passage is damning in the fact that it illustrates how failing to educate students about their history properly, causes minority students to view their condition as hopeless. …show more content…
As Beck suggested, society must include a culturally relevant instruction to these populations. School administrations must look at their demographics and no longer ignore their minority populations. Education that serves only a single population is ineffective in reaching the needs of AIAN, African American, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and Pacific Islanders. As each article specifically addressed things that need to change to begin eliminating the achievement gap in minorities, they laid out a blueprint for educational reform by including multiple approaches. School readiness is not insignificant, introducing a child to reading and math early makes it likely that they will succeed and track into average or higher level tracks. CRS is certainly not foolproof, but it provides an avenue for a child’s culture to be recognized and celebrated. Including an accurate history of one’s culture will keep the whitewashing of their story at bay. None of these on their own will close the gap, but together their impact will significantly affect the identity and confidence of AIAN and other minority