We swore to remain close no matter what. However, Alex ended up not going to the same college as I did, so we had to work harder on maintaining our friendship. Due to this, we start to spend less and less time together. Alex makes new friends. I end up becoming very disappointed in Alex, but I don’t want to compromise our relationship so I take a leap and talk to her. We stay close through young adulthood, where I meet my college friend Sarah. Sarah and I become very close. At the end of my late adulthood, I remained very close with Alex and Sarah, too, who each played significant and unique roles throughout your years of growing up and getting …show more content…
However, I didn’t want my health to fall, so this conversation sparked me to cautiously watch my routines and eating habits, since negative stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices can affect one’s body and mind in serious ways. Continuing into young adulthood, one morning, I stepped on the scale and I had gained about 10 pounds. After this realization, I started a moderate exercise routine and monitoring my eating more closely. Through my 20s and 30s, I experienced both weight gain and weight loss, but overall, I am managing a healthy body and positive sense of well being. In middle adulthood, I managed to keep up a moderate level of activity, which is what kept me in shape. However, I fell short of monitoring my nutrition as well as I could have. As I approached late adulthood, signs of aging for me became more noticeable. Even with the same level of physical activity that I’ve had all along, my teeth needed several fillings replaced, I wasn’t able to eat the greasy or spicy foods that I always loved without getting an upset stomach, and I seemed to pick up colds more easily. My body had started