Based on the eight habits of mind that “The Framework for Success in Post-Secondary Writing” discusses, the habit of flexibility is my strength for my college success.
For instance, when I have essay assignments I can adapt to the different types of essays. Therefore, writing a narrative is different to writing a research paper. In a narrative we can use I’s, you’s, use punch dialogue, and sounds. For example, when I had to learn how to write a narrative essay, it was hard for me at first. After many attempts, I was a lot better and did a good narrative essay in high school classes. On the other hand, when writing a research paper, I would have to find a website that has all the sources for the topic and cite the information on the work cited page. If I did not quote the source in my research paper at the end I would get in trouble for plagiarizing the article. When I wrote a research paper for first time, the teacher gave all the students most of the class hour to work on it. The first few days I did not know anything about research papers. I was asking friends to teach me how to do the research paper. I couldn’t understand what my friends were saying. Then I went to my teacher after class. He gave me a hand out over the research paper with for extra help. After spending the class hour and days at home working on the research paper, I finished the research paper on time and got a good grade on the project. Therefore, I am a flexible writer and can write different types of essays. Weakness The main weakness that I have in my college life is engagement because I do not participate in activities that would cause me to be social and have new experience. …show more content…
From high school I chose not to participate in activities such as key club, HOSA, and UIL which transferred to my college life. I did not engage very well in all those activities because I had language barrier and I was very scared to join in the activities because of all the activities include lots of talking. Even as a college student I am not involved in volunteer activities. As of result, I lost all the money from scholarships fund by not involving activities in high school. Essential for college success I think two of the eight habits are necessary for college success. All college students need flexibility and engagement habit to be successful in college. For example, we all need engagement in our academic success and future living. People are judged by whether they are participating or not. Moreover, if people are used to the flexibility they all can succeed in college life because flexible people have the most …show more content…
Trio will make me getting caught up in my all classes, getting free tutoring for each classes, getting free scholarship, choosing the perfect professor for me and choosing the correct career that will fit for my future.
By doing this assignment, I get to know all my strength and weakness and how I should change my weaknesses into strengths. My strength was flexibility and my weakness was engagement. By getting in trio club I can get my weaknesses same as my strength. By using my strength same as it is now I would manage all my time properly. This will help me succeed in my college and future living as