Throughout my time being a student, I have found that I can recall every name of every teacher I had in grade school. However, there were only a few teachers that …show more content…
Seeing different strategies modeled by my own professors has really guided me into wanting my classroom to be a hands-on and interactive environment. I do not want to always be the one leading conversations and teaching; I want my students to explore ideas on their own with self-exploration, discussing concepts with their peers and learning to dive deeper into understanding the concepts because they genuinely want to know more. However, I also know what I do not want to do as a teacher from the professors and teachers I have had throughout my time in school. Such as consistently having individual work time and never collaborating. I hope to be timely and precise with my feedback about assignments for students. I hope to have clear expectations and goals for my students to reach that challenge them to work at their full potential. Through the teachers I have had, my philosophy for teaching children has continued to grow as I form my own opinions on how I want my classroom to look, feel, and