Knowing that I woke up every morning at 5:30am to take my mom to work , then take my nephew to school, and then take myself to school. I would stay awake during every period, make sure all my work is completed and passed my test to keep my grades up. At 2:15 leave school pick everyone up again do my homework while waiting on my mom . I had to be to work at 5pm til 10pm, go home study and sleep at 12am or later and start the day all over again . I wouldn 't have been able to do that if Amir didn 't push myself and believed in me . Walking across that staged with my cord around my gown and having two tassels, I thank him . Without him I would be still in school riding the big yellow school bus, thinking it 's cool to have a big circle and not having dreams. I’m happy that he pushed me to become a person to be successful and to have a small group of friends with the same dream. Look at me now have a car thats paid off, own insurance, love working,and seventeen in college starting her career. It’s amazing.
Amir brought out the best in me . He taught me to never give up and to keep pushing yourself to success because the end result will be worth