To begin with, Pink Floyd first introduces an example of, what a school might consider an undesirable student, by beginning with a train speeding past a young boy as he places bullets on the rail. Here Pink Floyd uses symbolism to show the boy being passed by a train full of masked children at an alarming speed, representing the students who have graduated and moved on to life. As the train passes you see a man screaming at him telling him to stop. As the man yells the child’s face switches between it being normal to a mask that covers all details in his face, a similar mask to the other students. …show more content…
Pink Floyd points out the way that teachers discipline students and how many students are often humiliated for things that they do when they deserve to be encouraged to do them, such as poetry. Pink Floyd symbolizes the mind-control like processes used to make students the way the schools have envisioned. Pink Floyd’s final message in his video is the inevitability of a student uprising and the possibility of it becoming violent despite the best efforts of the