There were some so afraid of death that they prayed for death. Many raised their hands to the gods, and even more believed that there were no gods any longer and that this was one unending night for the world." The victims died instantly from the hot air, then ultimately burned their lungs and contracted their muscles, leaving the bodies in a semi-curled position to be quickly buried in ash and thus preserved for centuries. It was a day of great terror. The buried city was only found in 1738 by a team of workmen building a summer palace for the King of Naples. Even after centuries the discovery was made, much of the city was still buried. Today, the preservation of the artifacts and people remains a challenge. As it was the volcanic ash that helped preserved the city for hundreds of years, but now that it is uncovered, it is exposed to pollution, weather and tourists that pose a
There were some so afraid of death that they prayed for death. Many raised their hands to the gods, and even more believed that there were no gods any longer and that this was one unending night for the world." The victims died instantly from the hot air, then ultimately burned their lungs and contracted their muscles, leaving the bodies in a semi-curled position to be quickly buried in ash and thus preserved for centuries. It was a day of great terror. The buried city was only found in 1738 by a team of workmen building a summer palace for the King of Naples. Even after centuries the discovery was made, much of the city was still buried. Today, the preservation of the artifacts and people remains a challenge. As it was the volcanic ash that helped preserved the city for hundreds of years, but now that it is uncovered, it is exposed to pollution, weather and tourists that pose a