When interviewing Nola Joorisity, we first started off asking her questions pertaining to job design. The first question we asked her was: how has the awareness of mental illness affected the mental capacity aspect of job design? Nola’s response was that before, mental illness was more often considered a sign of …show more content…
Nola stated that job design has impacted performance by allowing employees to enjoy their work environments. Nola explained that performance, from what she has seen as decreased throughout the years. However, with this slight decrease in performance, output has had an increase. This is because employers must consider flexible advantages in order to improve employee retention. Nola also explained that employers are more appreciative that work creates stress upon their employees. This is why it has been important for employers to improve their performance strategies. Some of the strategies that employers are using now, such as feedback and goal setting, were not in effect when Nola first begin in the workforce four decades ago. Nola talked about the increase in regular evaluations, and ongoing feedback (positive and negative) which have become a common practices implemented in workplaces. In the past employers would only give out evaluations once a year that did not allow for instant modification in work performance. Nola also stressed the importance of other strategies including Employee Assistance Program that help employees deal with stress and other personal