Tragedy struck in 1994. The Rwandan President was killed when his plane had been shot down. The presidents death ignited for an organized campaign against Tutsi (a member of a people forming a minority of the population of Rwanda and Burundi, who formerly dominated the Hutu majority). In a matter of hours, Hutu rebels surrounded the capital and took control over it. Within days. The Rwandan leadership had been destroyed and so began this 100 day long genocide. When Leonard Rurangirwa was 18 he decided to hide members of the Tutsi group in his house. He helped dispatch a group of Tutsis to different homes, moving the from one house to another in abandoned houses and banana trees. According to Rurangirwa ”I took the Tutsi side by my own decision. Neither Tutsi nor someone else chose for me what to do. “It was a big problem to find enough food to feed them because there were so many. They ate once in the night. A group of seven ate at home, another three at my mom’s house and so on…. When killers came, we organize ourselves to hide.” (Mascarenhas 1) Another …show more content…
In such a horrible time there was always those special people. Those people who took a stand and did what they thought was right. In the holocaust we see many examples. In relating it to the Genocide of Rwanda there were those instances where the enemy thought wrong of what their people were doing. Some Nazis would help and Spare the life of some Jews like Ntamfurigirishyari did for the old woman. Another way they are very much alike is how many people helped other women and children out by giving them shelter in food. Instead of taking all what was left for themselves (which was still very limited) they shared it with others while also do whatever they can to keep them safe. The fact that these people were facing adversity and still took a stand. It’s