Although critics may claim that nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide into the environment, it is clear that it is an example of a modern day Frankenstein as it can ultimately have catastrophic effects on humanity due to nuclear waste, radiation, and cost. While people may argue that nuclear energy is a clean energy source, it produces nuclear waste, which is potentially even worse than carbon emissions in the long run. This is evident as the Department of Energy determined that “more than 85,000 metric tons” of waste is being stored across the country (Nuclear). In other words, while nuclear energy does not produce carbon dioxide, it still creates potentially devastating byproducts. However, unlike carbon dioxide, people have to actively maintain and store nuclear waste as it is extremely dangerous. This is significant as it showcases that despite the valiant intentions, nuclear energy produces destructive effects on humans. Thus, nuclear energy represents a modern-day Frankenstein as it promises incomparable great benefits, however it ultimately unleashes more dangerous consequences that require constant vigilance to …show more content…
Furthermore, nuclear energy is extremely expensive, which can ultimately drain a nation's resources without providing any benefits. This is evident as the Office of Nuclear Energy found that nuclear power plant construction contains “high capital costs, licensing and regulatory approvals, coupled with long lead times and construction delays” (Advantages). In other words, the substantial financial investment required for nuclear energy projects often outweighs the potential benefits, leading to significant economic strain without necessarily delivering the expected returns. This highlights the inherent challenges associated with nuclear energy, which reveals it as a modern day Frankenstein, as the ambitious pursuit of power and progress may come at a devastating cost to society. Thus, while nuclear energy may offer potential solutions to energy needs, its economic burdens warrant careful consideration before widespread