Jennifer Pozner Reality Bits Back Analysis

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Mixed Emotions

What is reality no one actually knows because everyone has a different view of reality. Jennifer L Pozner a published author with her work of Reality Bites Back. Pozner feels very strong about reality being slow, boring, nothing exciting happening, fairytales and happily ever afters. I on the other hand have mixed emotions from school/ work taking up so much time it just allows those free times we have with friends and family to be cherished.

Growing up we all had visions of mr/ms right. We have all made up a

fairytale how we picture how our lives will develop. There are many thing in this world that make fairytales rare and far in between. Ponzer provides a good example when she states “ and Bally
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On all the disney shows they walk off in the sunset to live happily ever after is the true in reality? Most of us love the thought of only getting married one time to our best friend/ true love but as time has shown it is getting harder and harder to find that one person. My parents got divorced when I was a seven they have both remarried and are one hundred times happier they can be best of friends now. They will tell you that getting a divorce was the best thing they ever did. This is a tough one for me I feel and hope that we should only have to get married once. Way back when there was very little of this divorce now it is normal. Even if it takes more than one try you can find that person you will live happily ever after with and never think twice about the past.

There are plenty of ways to view reality from us growing up, getting families of our own and not having any social time. Having our lives be like a book are how most of us want to see our lives being ten or even twenty years down the road. But in all reality none of us can predict the future or even tell you what the true definition reality is because reality varies from person to person. Reality has changed so much now our perfect fairytale and happy ever after could come in a second marriage or even more then that. Reality is Disney sets all these unrealistic goals in our minds from a very young

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