Many people believe eating disorders are a choice, and a cry for attention. Someone isn’t happy with their body, so they therefore decide to starve themselves. Eating disorders are also marked as the white …show more content…
Due to the amount of caucasians that seek help for eating disorders, the statistics show a higher amount of caucasians with EDs than those of another race. But anyone can have an eating disorder, men, women, children, black, white, purple, yellow, anyone.
Eating disorders are not a phase, as mentioned before, many people don’t realize they have one. Eventually, though, the losing of the weight, or the counting of the calories becomes a daily routine, possibly even an addiction, and is hard to get rid of. A common misconception is that everyone with an eating disorder is skinny.6 That is not at all true, someone can be a bit heftier and still have an eating disorder like Anorexia. Eating disorders do not discriminate. There is a sort of body dysmorphia when it comes to eating disorders.3 Your mind plays tricks on you and those with eating disorder can look into a mirror and see someone that looks morbidly obese, even though they only weigh eighty pounds. And that can go the other way, someone who may be overweight, see themselves as incredibly skinny and think they need to gain weight, when in reality they don’t.7 Also, “Just eat,” is not a cure all. Many people get frustrated with someone who may have an ED and tell them to, “Just eat,” but it doesn’t work that way. Those with EDs have psychological problems that need attention, and yelling at them can often times only make things