This paper illustrates the idea that terrorist are rational thinkers who have agenda setting propaganda in order to achieve their short and long term goals. While others might agree that terrorist used psychological ideas because they don’t know the difference between right and wrong. The way they kidnap hostages they have a clear idea what they want and what will they achieved. Appeasement as stated is not a good idea and governments should not give in. As rational thinkers, they will demand money for hostages. The more you give in demands the more of cycle it becomes. Lake (2002), states as rational thinkers terrorist analyze a situation for the sole purpose of acquiring a main goal. When situation has hostage taking
This paper illustrates the idea that terrorist are rational thinkers who have agenda setting propaganda in order to achieve their short and long term goals. While others might agree that terrorist used psychological ideas because they don’t know the difference between right and wrong. The way they kidnap hostages they have a clear idea what they want and what will they achieved. Appeasement as stated is not a good idea and governments should not give in. As rational thinkers, they will demand money for hostages. The more you give in demands the more of cycle it becomes. Lake (2002), states as rational thinkers terrorist analyze a situation for the sole purpose of acquiring a main goal. When situation has hostage taking