1995 Family, Culture, and Health Practices among Migrant Farmworkers in journal of Community Health Nursing, Vol.12, No.1 pp 15-22 In the article Family, Culture, and Health Practice among Migrant Farmworkers, Betchel, Shepard and Rogers identify patterns among migrant farm workers that lead to their health issues. These patterns including seasonal traveling, constant labor, and constant stress, caused “migrant farm workers and their families to have restricted access to health care”(p15). So not only are these patterns affecting the MFW health but they are also affecting their access to good health. The information for this research was compiled “over a two week period by … students “on” 225 men, …show more content…
Schenker, Stephen A. McCurdy, Heather E. Riden, and Don Villarejo address the issue of health care among farm workers. Not only do they identify the issue, but they suggest “policy recommendation” (p. 26) that can improve the health care system. The information is thoroughly elaborated and the research includes statistics and tables which helps the reader visually view the contrast of the problem. The piece relates to the main issue of improving health care practices among healthcare workers because it states the current California health policy affecting farm workers, and it states and elaborates in ways the policy can be improved. Although the piece was well organized, it wasn’t clear on how the research was obtained. Did the authors only use websites, articles, books, and data? How did they come across the information? The piece was well organized, but how the information was …show more content…
With the help of trained community health workers (CHW’s), he tries to identify and resolve issues health care workers have with communicating and socializing with patients, mainly with elderly immigrants. He notices that language and communication skills are essential to reach out to the patients. One problem Verhagen faced during the project was that the elderly community did not trust the CHW’s because the elders believed they had enough experience and wouldn’t benefit from the project. In order to solve the problems between the elderly community and the CHW’s, it would be essential for the elderly community to trust the CHW’s so they can progress with the project. And in order to gain the elderly’s community trust, the CHW’s have to acknowledge the background of the community, “should be competent in all of the different languages spoken by the target group” (p. 124), and let the community know of their benefits because of this project. The issue of ill communication among the elderly immigrant group is identified as the main issue. This issue ties in with one of Holmes 's issues on how there is ill communication between medical students and immigrant farm