Alan Mathew’s considers Michael Watson as an “easy” teacher because he lets his students talk in class and that his discussions were full of meaningless conversations. Mathew’s thought the students were lethargic and even disruptive. On the other hand, Michael Watson thought that his class was having meaningful discussions on important topics that allowed them to clear up there understanding. He doesn’t want to his students to raise their hands because he doesn’t want to discourage the conversations. Michael likes when his students ask questions and are engaged in the class. The teachers have different views on how the students should behave and interact in the classroom. Mathews and Watson have different behavioral views on …show more content…
He believes his teachings and the units should be related to the real world in order for the students to gain a better understanding of the content. He wants to have meaningful discussions with his students and required respect for all ideas. He wants his students to think on a higher level of blooms taxonomy that require application, justification, and the analysis of information.
Michael Watson’s students actively participate in class conversations. Multiple students have ideas to share at the same time and enjoy adding to the discussion. This shows that they are involved in the lessons and it can act as an informal formative assessment. Watson also has quizzes on the vocabulary to assess the students understanding. Other than these quizzes the case study did not discuss any other forms of assessment that Michael Watson has in his class.