Micalyn Foreman is a inspiring woman who stands for women empowerment and being true to who you are. Her YouTube videos have touched many women and have inspired them to be confident and embrace their natural beauty as well. You can follow her on Instagram at miccheckk12.
1. What made you become interested in YouTube and making videos about hair and beauty?
It started when I chose to go natural. I use to straighten my hair every two weeks. My hair became shorter and shorter. I started looking up solutions for my problem on YouTube and I found out about the natural hair movement. I wanted to grow my hair back and make it more healthy. After doing research and looking things up online, I found out a lot of useful information. YouTube is a tool where you can put your ideas up and help others. It took me years to build up the courage to start one. My New Years resolution was to make my YouTube and share my ideas. I found out that it was really something that I loved you to do.
2. Do you feel that many African American women should consider having their natural hair and stray away from European standards of beauty? I feel women of color should go natural. …show more content…
When you are natural, you have the option to straighten your hair. It is more about just having healthy hair. I found out that going natural really helps you find yourself. It changes your perspective on life. Since it is such a stigma that your suppose to have straight hair, many do not know what their natural hair looks life. Having my hair natural made me find out who I am. It helps you to embrace who you are. When you go natural, you start to look for natural hair products and it translates into other parts of your life. You begin to eat healthier and start to buy natural skin and body products as well. 3. What advice do you give to women who are uncomfortable with their natural hair and appearance? I would say embrace who you are. Your natural hair is literally who you are. This is something that is in your DNA and is passed down to you by generations. I feel if you are not comfortable with your natural hair, you are not comfortable with yourself. It is about being comfortable with the way God made you and not the standards someone made for you. 4. When you first did the big chop, were you scared that people would judge the way you appeared? I transitioned for an entire year before I actually did my big chop. When I was transitioning, I had criticism from my family. A lot of people did not agree with what I was doing. I had to overcome that. Since I always had long hair, it was a big difference. I realized that I came this far and cut it all off. I learned to not care about what people think about me. 5. Why do you feel it is so important for people to remain confident and true to themselves? I feel that self love is very important. If you love yourself, it makes it easier to love other people. I feel that with all of these reality television shows and gossip blogs, people do not get enough love. When it comes to the internet, people may say hurtful things. If you love yourself, the negativity of others will not affect you. 6. What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment in your life so far? I feel like my biggest accomplishment has been helping others gain confidence. It makes me feel warm inside when people come to me and tell me that me being myself, has given them the courage to do the same. I have had so many girls that said because of me, they went natural and that they started coming out of their shell. Every single person that I have touched like that, is my biggest accomplishment. I started a organization on my college campus and it is about natural hair and women empowerment. It is called Love Naturally. It stands for "Lifting our very existence naturally." I am planning on making it