The regularly attending members introduced themselves by saying, “Hey, my name is ______ and I am an alcoholic.” The group responded each time by acknowledging the member. I think this is an important part of the group because it requires the person to voice aloud that they have identified that they do have a substance abuse addiction. After each member said their name they had the option to share with the group about resentments they might have or just listen that day. A large majority of the group chose to share about this particular topic and I could tell this was a mutual issue that people struggle with. After group members had spoken the group as a whole thanked them for sharing. I thought this was great because it makes it feel like what you said meant something to the group and overtime would build respect.
We ended our introductions with the group speaker who told her story about her struggles with alcohol and how alcohol had impacted her life. She also talked about how she came to lead alcoholics anonymous support groups. She then spoke about her own resentments and admitted that forgiveness was the hardest part of recovery for her. I then read aloud a passage called “The Promise”. We closed the meeting by holding hands and saying the Lord’s Prayer and saying, “keep coming back it works if you work