Binge Eating Disorder—people who eat 12 times or more excessively in a 3 month period are subjected to this disorder. This doesn’t take into the account of people’s busy schedules or lifestyles. Each year more and more diets and dietary plans are introduced and many of these recommend anything from smaller meals to more frequent meals. This can be misconstrued as binge eating. Also as a parent of a small infant I can attest to the fact that there are times when a parent has no time for themselves to even eat and subsequently may need to binge eat when time is available in order to receive the required amount of calories for the day. Another mitigating factor here is drug use. As medicinal and recreational marijuana use becomes legalized more and more, one of the symptoms of this is an increased appetite. Therefore if the drug use is causing the binge eating than is it really a …show more content…
Autism—the DSM-V made diagnosing autism more stringent which isn’t a controversy. But as prevalence rates of this have risen in the past, the fact that it becomes diagnoses less means the government and society as a whole will be putting less resources into this disorder. Meaning that preexisting children or adults with autism may lose access to school or other intervention programs set up to facilitate and aid them.
7. Substance Abuse—one major controversy is the fact that some first time users may be diagnosed as a repeated user or diagnosed as having a drug problem because of the new diagnosis requirements.
8. Sex Addiction—behavioral problems such as sexual addiction are becoming more prevalent in the DSM. Nothing is wrong with diagnosing a problem but the concern is with the people who will exploit this behavioral issue though medicine, clinics, and treatment programs that are proven to be valid.
9. Generalized Anxiety Disorder—small changes have been made to the diagnosing criteria for having GAD. The problem here is the easy access that will give prescribers of medicine to prescribe anti-anxiety to people who may only be experiencing short term anxiety issues due to normal life events. The medicine used has been proven to be lethal and harmful to patients it is not intended for and mixing with other drugs, alcohol, or stimulants can intensify this