Mennonite Culture Essay

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Mennonites first arrived in Canada in 1776. They had originated from German speaking countries making the German language on of their defining traits during that time. A census done in 2001 stated that 191,000 Mennonites live in Canada, and as of 2010 the largest concentrations of which lived in Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Kitchener-Waterloo area. Over half of the Mennonite populations live in cities, mainly Winnipeg (Millette, 2015). Much is not commonly known about the Mennonite culture to those who are not a part of it. Three large aspects of which are their marriage practices, religion and beliefs and holiday traditions. All groups of the Mennonite culture view marriage ceremonies as serious as a baptism, it is a ritual centered in the congregation of the …show more content…
All of their services are preformed through song, more conservative groups do not allow any accompaniment so all songs must be sung a capella, where as less strict groups allow paino, organ, guitar or base to accompany the songs (Thompson, 2015). Worship is held on Sunday, as the tradition of the early church, as it is said that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. A lot of focus is placed on peacemaking, Jesus taught his followers to love all, therefor kill and even war are not a Christian response. Most young Mennonites do no serve in the military due to this fact. In the Mennonite church only adults may be baptised, as they are able to confess their sins and ask forgiveness. Baptism is preformed either by full immersion in water, sprinkling, or pouring of water from a pitcher. In regard to what happens after death they believe that if one receives Christ into their lives as their Lord and Saviour they will go to Heaven. The church has no direct position on Hell, other than it means eternal separation from God (Jack Zavada,

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