Menelaus Heroic Qualities

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The mighty King of Sparta, Menelaus, played a pivotal role in the Trojan War. He was the husband of Helen, “the face that launched a thousand ships” and brother to Agamemnon, leader of the Achaean forces. He demonstrated his abilities and heroic qualities throughout the book with his actions. In Homer’s Iliad, Menelaus is a classic example of a Homeric hero through his prowess in battle, unrelenting attempts to retrieve his wife, and his loyalty to his fellow soldiers. Menelaus was a very prominent and devastating fighter, which seems obvious when his crown is revealed, the Spartans were known for being ruthless and unstoppable. He was one of the best fighters on the Achaean side. He demonstrated this when he challenged Paris to a duel, and …show more content…
He protected and retrieved the body of Patroclus when he saw the struggle between the Trojans and Achaeans for it. He knew the importance of the corpse not only to Achilles, but also to the spirit of Patroclus, because any person that died without a proper funeral would be left wandering the Earth for the rest of their existence. Menelaus did not need to protect his body, but his heroic qualities compelled him to. He could have abandoned the body after Hector arrived, knowing he was no match for the breaker of horses, but he instead sought out for Ajax. He knew that if he found Ajax they could both work together and push Hector back, thinking to himself “ we two together would go back to the melee calling up our fury/ and haul the body back to Achilles” Menelaus was loyal and cared about his fellow soldiers, even risking his life for one of them. Throughout the epic, Menelaus expressed many qualities that would classify him as a Homeric hero. The mighty King of Sparta was not only the leader of his troops, but he fought alongside them and helped them when possible. He was a major character that showed his heroic qualities time and time again. He did this through his prowess in battle, unrelenting attempts to retrieve his wife, and loyalty to his fellow soldiers. For these reasons he is remembered as one of the greats in Homer’s famous

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