DNA Replicates
I am going to draw a nucleus with DNA inside it represented with beads as the four pairs of chromosomes. Outside of the nucleus there will be centrioles drawn.
This is where meiosis begins and replicates the cell
Spindle fibers start to form on the centrioles and chromosome pairs bind together making tetrads. Nuclear membrane starts to dissolve.
Nuclear membrane will be drawn in dashed lines. The chromosomes will be homologous pairs with centromere in the center holding the chromosome together and there will be spindle fibers extended from the centrioles.
Shows how nuclear membrane is almost dissolved and also the spindle fibers being formed. Shows chromosome binding in homologous pairs
Nuclear Membrane completely …show more content…
Chromosomes will be drawn in 2 different sides with a dashed circle surrounding them to represent the nucleus. The spindle fibers start to go back into the centrioles.
Cell is about to finish dividing as the 2 cells are almost separated from each other
Cell completely divides and now there are 2 daughter cells.
2 diploid cells are to be drawn and nuclear envelope is darkened in.
Shows meiosis 1 is complete and meiosis 2 is about to start
Meiosis 2 begins. Instead of one cell to divide, now there is two. Each cell also has two chromatids instead of four.
2 cells are drawn and 2 sister chromatid in each cell.
Meiosis 2 must be present in order to have 4 haploids form
Chromosomes are aligned in both cell in the middle. Centrioles are on the outside of each cell.
Draw 2 identical cells, homologous recombined with each other and each with chromosome beads lined up in the middle. Draw spindle fibers forming from the centrioles
Start of cell division where the end result will be 4 haploid cells
Sister chromatids separate from each other at spindle fibers pull them apart and start travelling to opposite sides of the