To start with, the second woman shown in the Epic was treated as a slave, or a pet. The Main character, Perceval, a misled, confused, and senseless boy finds her in a tent while her lover was gone, and rides off after stealing a ring, food, and forcing a kiss. Immediately she burst into tears begging for him to give her ring back, for she was to be married with it. Over her sorrows and tears she said, “Don’t carry off my ring! You’ll …show more content…
One after another Perceval runs into many different maidens, each one just as helpless as the last. Perceval rides into a Kingdom laid bare of all provisions, the Ruler of it a lady, lost of all hope. At first upon meeting her he asks for shelter for the knight, graciously accepting him she provided what all she could. Breaking she said, “Despair is all my days bring me. I’m so lost in sadness.” After hearing this he asked what troubled her, one man alone controlling troops to cut off food supply, persistent on getting her as his prize. Perceval in a duel defeated him in returned the Kingdom to its former glory. Unlike modern times where a woman is strong in independent medieval times portrays them as weak and