Xarelto is a newer medication used to prevent the risk for VTE, stroke, and heart attacks. (Drugwatch,2015) The medication is known to cause uncontrollable bleeding. Xarelto does not have an antidote to reverse …show more content…
According to study, offering this medication immediately puts this patient at risk for blood clots. It’s important for the nurse to educate the patient on the necessity of talking to their doctor before altering their medication administration due to other resources they may find. Nurses should also be sure to include in teaching the patient that there is no antidote for this medication. Patient’s need educated that some resources are biased about this medication, which may lead to inaccurate information. It is important for the patient to discuss any information found in alternative resources with their physician. Inaccurate or ineffective information on a medication may result in a non-therapeutic use of the