Using the internet can allow patients to be able to communicate to their physician via video web cam. Using video call eliminates the gas money you would need to travel to the office as well as eliminating the struggle of leaving your own home when you are sick. This can be a huge help for the elderly or disabled patients who have trouble making it to their appointments. Another plus is that the costs will go down for you and the insurance company. The cost of the visits will be about 40$, but you can see a physician whenever you want and as soon as possible. Even though this new idea sounds wonderful there are some scares as well. The chance misdiagnosing someone will increase greatly. The doctor could think you have a simple cold or ear infection when really there is something much greater going on inside of your body. This will be a legal battle as well because it is only legal for doctors to prescribe medications over the internet in 13 …show more content…
Doctors have the way to find things out that they want to know more about right from their offices or homes, as well as the patients. There are sites that were created just to inform doctors. Web browsers show scholarly sites that were created from college professors who have done research which may help someone down the road. Then patients would rather go online and type in their symptoms and try to find some results on the internet before going into the doctor’s office and paying for the visit. Or someone who needs to get a certain type of test done can go home and research all about it before they have it done. These ways of collecting information can be good or bad. People tend to scare themselves when they are reading things online, they hear the horror stories of medical failures and tend to forget about all the good things that could be going on in the medical field. That could be a huge issue for people with life threatening illnesses. They will become upset and depressed reading all the horrible stories. Going to the doctors and ignoring the internet is sometimes the better thing to do, especially if you are a