Unbeknownst to me, 1988 was the year of change when I started working with the Army Child Development Services where I was responsible for two classrooms with a total of sixty wonderful five year olds and four employees. My duties included the development of a weekly-monthly educational curriculum following federal regulations, providing counseling as needed, and the documentation of each individual child’s development throughout the year. Back stateside I began reading and training with my local SCORE group in owning a business. Opened a small clothing retail store, where OTJ brought a new meaning. During the first year, I learned everything from how to write, follow and completely understand a business plan to sales forecasting, purchasing,…
The healthcare industry is thriving, despite today’s harsh economic times. For this reason, when considering their career options, many students may turn to medicine. There are several professions in the medical field from which students can choose, including home health aides, pharmacists, nurses, and even doctors. If the student decides to pursue a more hands-on patient care career, they find themselves at a crossroad with one path leading toward a career as a doctor (MD) and the other leading towards a career as a physician assistant (PA). This is a difficult choice for many students interested in the medical field; both professions offer patient care, are high-paying, and require rigorous schooling.…
Physician assistants are health care professionals licensed to practice medicine under the supervision of a physician (AAPA). These health care professionals are educated to provide treatment, diagnostics of injuries or illnesses, preform physical examinations, take medical histories, order laboratory tests and x-rays, and depending on their level of study they may assist in surgery procedures (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The code of ethics for the health care occupation of a Physician assistant has “four main principles: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice”(AAPA). What these codes mean is that patients have the right to make their own choices regarding their treatment and health and as such the physician assistant should respect these choices and abide by them.…
The last patient in the triage line is having a heart attack. I take a deep breath, rally my team, and begin the match. I come alive in the emergency department (ED), when I am competing against disease and injury, pushing myself to the limit for the sake of others. Like a sport, practicing medicine requires dedication, teamwork and skill. My drive to become a physician assistant (PA) comes from much more than my desire to compete against the obstacles facing modern healthcare.…
Becoming a Physician Assistant The Career that I chose to explore for the assignment is a Physician Assistant. A Physician Assistant, also known as a ‘PA’, is a healthcare professional who is a part of a healthcare team with collaborating doctors and providers. They can offer a broad range of health care services in preventing and treating illness and injury. Depending on the PA’s scope of practice, their work load may include review of patient histories, physical exams, diagnosing illnesses, treatment plans, immunizations, ordering and interpreting tests, prescribing medications, performing procedures and assisting in surgery.…
Personal Goals I aspire to attend a university and pursue a higher level of education. My parents did not attend college or even finish high school. I want to be the first in my family to pursue a college degree. I started my journey on the first day of high school. I recognized that I had put my academics before anything in order to have a promising future.…
I want to thank you for the opportunity to be able to apply for the Physical Therapist's Assistant Program (PTA) at Whatcom Community College. My passion for Physical Therapy began in high school while working at my first job, which was fortunately in a Physical Therapist office. At this job, my aide duties included assisting patients through exercises and setting up patients on modalities. Being a student athlete, this job opportunity made me realize the importance of physical therapy due to sports injuries of team members and classmates. The abundance of these injuries showed that physical therapy and sports rehab injury prevention is a priority among young athletes.…
The career of a Physician Assistant (PA) can be both rewarding and a challenge. The field of medicine is ever evolving, requiring physicians and healthcare facilities to rely on more mid-level practitioners, such as PAs, to be able to meet the demands of health care and wellness, while maintaining the quality of care. Working with a supervising physician and other team members in the health care industry, a PA’s role bridges the gap between clinical staff and the provider. As a mid-level practitioner, the PA is able to participate in the practice of medicine under the supervision of a physician, giving the PA an exciting, and educational relationship with the evolving world of healthcare.…
The consequences of a badly written note to a patient is very unprofessional. It is very important that you as a medical assistant know how to write a professional letter. The kind message sent to the patient can make the medical office look bad and we can lose credibility. Grammar is so critical to pay attention to when writing to a patient.…
He is known throughout the community both on and off of the California Baptist University campus. Dr. Bedashi has had countless years of experience in this field; he is now currently the program director and the superior head of the physician assistant program at California Baptist University. The background of this inspiring man is incredible and has given him an upper hand in the physician assistant world. Some of these experiences include Orthopedics, Urgent Care, military medicine, athletic medicine, and more. Through the process of interviewing Dr. Bedashi I learned what the training, licensure, and certification process looks like, along with, what rolls physician assistants play in the medical field, job descriptions, challenges, what impact they can have on the world of health care and much more.…
My goal is to become a practicing Physician Assistant. My desire is to acquire the medical skills necessary to help people in maintaining health. I have done the research on the training required and I am aware that this requires a major investment of two and half year of study and practice. I am fully prepared to put in the energy and work required to successfully complete the program. I also know that it will need my ongoing commitment to professional development in order to hone my skills and update my knowledge as the medical science progresses.…
Cultivating a non-competitive learning environment for students distinguishes singlehandedly the Red Rocks Community College Masters in Physician Studies Program from other institutions. Resonating within me are Professor Dobbs' remarks about the program's goal of promoting camaraderie and collaboration among students instead of the conventional competition and egotistical behaviors characterizing rigorous graduate medical programs. I have a genuine desire of serving others and fully acknowledge that this is not an end goal but a lifetime of being of service and building upon each other, perfecting the many unique talents that we are endowed with. Aspiring to become a compassionate and competent physician assistant working in a team-based practice…
I, Bibin David working as a Healthcare Assistant-Night Shift in Terrace View Retirement Village, Ashburton. I always wanted to work as a Mental health worker or psychology professional but I didn’t get any chances to study in those areas, mainly because all the healthcare programs are expensive to study compare to other programs. My current job as healthcare assistant has lot of potential opportunity for me to grow in healthcare industry. which will help me to understand and learn more about New Zealand healthcare systems and I am currently studying for my ACE Foundation Program.…