Social network sites are often used to express romantic feelings for their partners, communicate with partners, and broadcast things to the public about their relationship. This varies by gender and is seen more with females than males. If the desires for electronic boundaries isn’t mutual, one may feel uncomfortable or controlled. For example, often on Facebook when two people are going through issues, the female will update her status to express her frustration with the relationship rather than communicate with their partner their concerns. …show more content…
They provide information about themselves and the use of the internet has been associated with high-risk sexual behavior and helps foster adverse events, including abuse and assault in youth. This articles looks at the adverse event outcomes for older people who seek relationships online based on how they were victimized if at all.
“Mediated Communication” is the preferred interaction over personal interactions. People rather text and email than call and meet up with others. This change in communication style is not making individuals less social but is taking away the actual benefits of face-to-face interactions. Social media can burden face to face interactions and allow people to be who they aren’t in the sense of “catfish”. Honesty is sacrificed with mediated communication as well as the five senses not being stimulated as with face-to-face