• This member excels in maintaining control of stressful and sometimes chaotic situations over a group of people. While conducting live fire training she is regularly in charge of more than 20 members including those that out rank her. She is able to ensure that ranges are safe and successful, leads range personnel through multiple courses of fire during long days, and often times in adverse weather conditions. Her ability to direct others enables range evolutions to be more smooth and productive. • While conducting training with station WEPOs and LEPO's many of whom have no prior experience with maintaining a weapons program or have been through a CLEAR visit. This member teaches and provides information to enable …show more content…
During this training she is in charge of the overall safety of the training. She has to direct others to ensure all aspects of the training are done according to policy.
• Again there are plenty of examples in other bullets that show ME2 Mohler’s ability to work with others and the results to this ability.
2. Working with Others:
•There are also many examples with working with others in the following above bullets 1. Professional/Specialty knowledge, 4. Using resources, 5. Safety, 6. Stamina, and 7. Communications, 1. Direction others, and 3. Developing subordinates. These examples shows that ME2 Mohler was outstanding skills when it comes to working with others and ensuring everyone she trains is given the proper training not matter their skill level.
3. Developing Subordinates:
• This member has attempted to provide subordinate with opportunities for training and professional development. She has help encourage and guide ME3 Franklin in becoming an FAI. She has spent extra time with him at the range to ensure that ME3 Franklin develops the skills he will need to succeed when he becomes an FAI. PO Mohler has also spent many hours helping ME3 Franklin prepare for his BO board. She also conducted a Pre board with ME2 Wimsatt and ME3 Franklin to better prepare him for his BO …show more content…
This member has also performed a MFH while on leave and with another unit. The member sent from the other unit had never performed MFH before. PO Mohler meet this member at the site early enough to conduct training with this member. Even know this was the members first time the MFH looked professional and sharp as if this wasn’t the members first time. This member was also able to teach personnel at his unit because PO Mohler took the time to train this member. ME2 Mohler has also went to unit’s to conduct MFH training, trained members through the phone, and ensured all members conducting these honors knew exactly what they were doing