Marcus Aurelius And Stoicism In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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There are many philosophies that can encompass life. What is the true meaning of life? Can we ever be honorable in our actions? How should one react in times of great pain? Emperor Marcus Aurelius sought to answer these questions. Aurelius was a follower of Stoicism, a philosophy which he felt could answer them. The Meditations, Book One, is Aurelius’ thoughts on the matter of Stoicism. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar showcases Stoicism in one of its main characters - Marcus Brutus. The character Marcus Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar was a devout believer in Stoicism because he was honorable, constant, and was unemotional in times of pain. Aurelius knew Stoics needed to “love truth, and … justice” (Aurelius) - in other words, they needed to be honorable. Brutus was an honorable man, and held this honor in the highest regard. He once told Cassius that he could “set honor in one eye and death i’ th’ other / And … look on both indifferently” (I, ii, 93-94). Brutus would put honor above everything else - even his own death. Brutus’ honor brought him to his untimely demise, as a result of his part in the ‘honorable’ assassination of Caesar. …show more content…
Brutus was also constant in his endeavors, notably that of Caesar’s death. Upon joining the conspiracy, Brutus ended up in a position of leadership. He used this position of power to bring the conspirators down to an earthly level - while the conspirators may have wanted to kill both Antony and Caesar, Brutus said they could “come by Caesar’s spirit / And not dismember Caesar! But, alas, / Caesar must bleed for it” (II, i, 182-184). Brutus knows that the conspirators want Caesar diminished. However, as Brutus is constant, and once mentioned that he “loved [Caesar] well” (I, ii, 89), he does not want to see him brutally

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