In the nineteenth century, the average American believed in the popular slogan Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that God had predestined the people of America to expand across the continent of North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In the eighteenth century, the belief in Manifest Destiny no only made a way for physical expansion but also political, social, and economic aspects of the early United States as well. The physical changes in the 1800s consisted of the geographical growth in which they tripled in size. Within the growth of the United States, the lifestyle of the average American would change in how they ran economically and how they viewed social problems.
The gain of land stated in the in the year of 1802 and ended about the 1860’s. It started with the Louisiana Purchase with the 3rd President Thomas Jefferson and ended with the 14th President Franklin Pierce with the Gadsden Purchase. (“The Louisiana …show more content…
It was overseen by President James K. Polk. The reason for the making Oregon treaty was to make the compromise with Britain and the US over the Oregon Territory. They agreed to set up the 49th parallel as the boundary of our expansion across the continent of North America and we gained the present-day Oregon, Washington, and most of British Columbia. (“Milestones: Oregon Treaty”)
The first US conflict was said to be caused by the Annexation of Texas. At first Texas was controlled by the Spanish and gained they 're independent in 1836 and then want to enter the United States as a state but if we said yes then the Mexicans would threaten war on the US. Finally, Texas was emitted as a state on December Ninth during the Presidency of James K. (“Appleby 105”) Polk. By emitting Texas as a state, it pushes us to the brink of war with the Mexicans. (“Milestones: 1839-1869 the Annexation of