Potential causes for malignant melanoma are: sun exposure (UVA and UVB rays are harmful to the skin), having lots of moles (at risk of having melanoma), skin type (having lighter hair and eye color is an increased risk), weakened immune system (in result of chemotherapy, organ …show more content…
When a person uses this rule suspecting a mole to be abnormal they are looking for the following: A for asymmetry, is the mole symmetrical? B for border, are the borders of the mole jagged or blurry? C for color, is the mole more than one hue (color or shade)? D for diameter, is it larger than 6mm? And finally E for elevation, does it raise unevenly above the surface? If one or more of these questions are yes, then the person should go see a doctor in order to have confirmation. A doctor’s diagnosis would be: getting medical history, physical exam, skin biopsy, and biopsies of lymph nodes to check for spread of melanoma if already diagnosed in