Besides, in his journey, Malcolm X always …show more content…
This is such a very huge challenge because the words, lessons that he had spread probably do not aligned with what had been seen by him. This situation is same with the situation nowadays. For example, the teacher had fully trusted his smartest student not to cheat in the examination, but somehow, the student is always doing so without the teacher knowing it at beginning. But then, after the student was caught, the teacher might probably feel betrayed and humiliated by the actions. This is what happened among the Muslim. The trust given is being fooled and played by the other parties. This is immoral actions that we should take precautions and not take it for granted. Whenever a person is being trusted to complete the task, he or she should not take it for granted, despite, appreciate that we have been entrusted to finish and done …show more content…
Like Malcolm X, whenever he has been an orphan at the young age, but he never stop to learn and study. Instead of crying and be depressed with his lost, he continued to study. But, as a human being, he is also easily influenced by what others said about him. Because he think too much on what had been said by his teacher, he drop out the school and started to do some dirty business. Well, in this situation, it teaches me that even a legend person like Malcolm X are once easily distorted by the words of the people around him. Compared to whom we are now, as Muslim that has little knowledge about Islam, we are also easily distorted by words that others said. Therefore, we should gain more knowledge and used it when people started to put us down. Besides, from this Malcolm X situation, it teaches me that, a human should not let his or her life been ruled by others. It means here, nobody shall affects our passion, interest in doing something. we are responsible to ourselves and if we are too fragile that we are easily being distorted by others, move to the other places so that we can find the strengths and truths in