He wanted equal rights but by being separate from whites. He said that a nice white person should work for equal rights on their side while blacks work in their community (Doc. C). His feeling towards schools is the same books and curriculum. (Doc. E). With the schools segregated blacks have the right to learn and work without struggle of not being welcome into current schools with whites. Being separated helps with violence and doesn't cost as many people as boycotting or marches. Reason number 2 focuses more on the school segregation. With separate schools for blacks they are less likely to be alone with whites pulling kids out like what happened with Ruby Bridges.
Malcolm X encouraged blacks themselves to open things like “experimental institutes and educational workshop, liberation schools and child-care centers in Afro-American communities”(Doc. E). The Organization of Afro-American Unity would create the educational Methods used to teach kids and keep them from white lies(Doc. E). With separate schools the curriculum also needs to be