John will start a given task and remain in class and on task for a 40 minute time period with three or fewer prompts. Making Progress During social work sessions John has been working being more organized with his materials. John has gained the insight that if he has his materials where he can find them he will not spend academic time looking for his materials. John still struggles with being off task when he “gets stuck “ a question or small academic task. During the social work sessions he has worked on skills should such as making an educated guess, doing the best-not perfection, and recognizing the is spending too much time on a particular task.
Zayden Making Progress
Zayden has been working on expectations and behaviors expected of middle school students. During the social work sessions topics such as: …show more content…
No Making Progress
Kaylee quarter there have been approximately three sessions that were devoted to processing conflicts that she is having with peers. She has struggled with making negative/unprovoked comments towards peers (i.e. idiot, I hate you, shut up stupid), poking peers, and not following classroom rules. However, there have been several weeks at the begin of the quarter that she positively engaged with peers and looked for positive attention from staff. During the second week of November there appeared to be a shift in behaviors and attitude. This change was attempted to be discussed in social work sessions. However, Kaylee was reluctant to discuss particulars.
Daniel S
Making Progress
Daniel has been a pleasure to work with in social work sessions. When he is given a conflict, problem, or scenario he will enthusiastically respond with a socially appropriate answer. During academic tasks he will engages in the activities, interacts with peers with minimal prompting, and is able maintain age expected