He defined factions as “groups of people who gather together to protect and promote their special economic interests and political opinions.” According to this definition, large factions are no different than majority groups. Madison discussed how “factions are a result of human nature,” and “cannot be avoided.” The same concept applies to majority groups. James Madison talked about the threat of majorities when saying that “when a faction gains power, they use that power to promote their own interest, even at the expense of minorities.” In this short sentence, he summarized the danger that majority groups posed against society then, and still pose against society today. Majority tyranny is more dangerous than minority tyranny to American democracy today because as James Madison said in Federalist 10, often times majorities are willing to do whatever it takes to benefit themselves, even at the expense of minorities. a good example of a majority tyranny might be Donald Trump and his supporters. He and his supporters are so intent on promoting their agenda that they are not willing to consider the needs of the minority. This creates an environment of fear and mistrust of the majority which is far more dangerous than a fear of the
He defined factions as “groups of people who gather together to protect and promote their special economic interests and political opinions.” According to this definition, large factions are no different than majority groups. Madison discussed how “factions are a result of human nature,” and “cannot be avoided.” The same concept applies to majority groups. James Madison talked about the threat of majorities when saying that “when a faction gains power, they use that power to promote their own interest, even at the expense of minorities.” In this short sentence, he summarized the danger that majority groups posed against society then, and still pose against society today. Majority tyranny is more dangerous than minority tyranny to American democracy today because as James Madison said in Federalist 10, often times majorities are willing to do whatever it takes to benefit themselves, even at the expense of minorities. a good example of a majority tyranny might be Donald Trump and his supporters. He and his supporters are so intent on promoting their agenda that they are not willing to consider the needs of the minority. This creates an environment of fear and mistrust of the majority which is far more dangerous than a fear of the