Madagascar Research Paper

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Have you ever watched the movie “Madagascar”? Do you want to know what those predators are in the jungle that always tortured the lemurs? The fossa which is pronounced (foo-saw) lives in the Madagascar which is an island in Africa. The fossa is a native species and is the largest carnivore and scariest carnivore in Madagascar. The Fossa of the madagascar is an endangered creature that will someday become extinct, it has many survival skills that help it survive in the wild, and other characteristics that may seem important. A lot of people do not know anything about the fossa and do not care about the fossa. The fossa is an important animal of the Madagascar environment just like every animal plays important roles. The fossa is becoming extinct …show more content…
Most people mix the fossa up for some kind of cat. The fossa has many similarities with the cat and the dog. The teeth and the claws are a reminder of the cat. The muzzle is a reminder of the dog. The fossa also has whiskers like both species of animals. In latin, the fossa is called “cryptoprocta ferox”. The name “fossa” means “hidden anus”. The species name for the fossa is “ferox”. The fossa has been around forever and is still living today. Scientist say that the fossa actually originated from the mongoose in Madagascar, Africa. (National geographic). There is also a fossa species that is a little bigger than the fossa and it is called the “cryptoprocta …show more content…
Mating season for them is in sep.-oct. When fossa babies are born they are blind and toothless like most baby animals. Female fossa’s usually only have about two cubs. The babies are usually deformed at first. Babies stay with their moms for a long time until like two years.The senses of the fossa are very strong. Males become very aggressive during mating season. Females usually mate with more than one male during mating season. Fossa’s reproduce slowly. Fossa’s start mating when they are about 4 years old. In mating season, the females give a strong odor that attracts the males. It takes 3 months for a female fossa to have her young.Young fossas stay with their mothers for about fifteen to twenty months.Fossa’s will mate on the ground or on a tree top. During mating season, fossas mark their territories of about four square kilometers. Rocks, trees, and the ground are marked by fossas to communicate. The smell is very pungent. Female fossas are usually masculine. (bioexpedition). Fossas like the

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