A prince's most important rule in life is not to model a kind of moral virtue or vow of good behavior, but simply rule effectively. ”and whereas all subjects cannot be armed, yet when those whom you do arm are benefited, the others can be handled more freely, and this difference in their treatment, which they quite understand, makes the former your dependants, and the latter, considering it to be necessary that those who have the most danger and service should have the most reward, excuse you.”(pg.37) Princes should never take away defenses from their subjects if a prince arms his people, their arms become his. If a prince disarms them, the people will retaliate and overthrow him, and he will be forced to buy an
A prince's most important rule in life is not to model a kind of moral virtue or vow of good behavior, but simply rule effectively. ”and whereas all subjects cannot be armed, yet when those whom you do arm are benefited, the others can be handled more freely, and this difference in their treatment, which they quite understand, makes the former your dependants, and the latter, considering it to be necessary that those who have the most danger and service should have the most reward, excuse you.”(pg.37) Princes should never take away defenses from their subjects if a prince arms his people, their arms become his. If a prince disarms them, the people will retaliate and overthrow him, and he will be forced to buy an