Based on reading the text, MK Asante overcame many challenges of growing …show more content…
Yes, I'm sure there came times where worrying about his mother and her illness, and also even trying to worry about himself was a lot of weight on his shoulder, but he knew that that was the only way to get the job done. He did not want to see his mother suffer, so he tried to manage everything to his best ability. Going to his father for help wasn't an option, because their relationship was rocky, going to his father was like going to a stranger on the street. Then there was his brother, who he could not turn to for help in his time of need either, simply because he was unable also, his brother couldn't stay out of jail long enough to even consider being there for him in his times of need. Throughout the text, he battled with a lot of challenges of self-reliance, and there cam many times where he knew that all he had was himself. If he didn't do the job, the job didn't get done! Sad, but that's just the way things were for …show more content…
He suffered with enough problems inside of his household, and when he stepped outside of his home, there were more problems to deal with, sometimes even worse than the ones he had already dealt with at home. The company he kept was no good for him, but growing up in the "hood" there was a slim to none chance that he would be surrounded by positive people. Therefore, he had no choice but to blend in with the rest, although that wasn't really what he wanted for himself, he was forced to be associated with the wrong people due to his living situation. Violence, killing, and shooting was all he knew, that's all he saw his entire life. Things were so bad, that the place where he grew up at was called "Killadelphia, Pistolvania" while its original name was "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Just thinking about living in a place where the nickname is consisted of nothing but violence, one will easily be forced to become immune to this type of living. Although he was immune to this type of living, it did not stop him from chasing his dream of what he wanted to do, he wanted to be different, he didn't want to be the stereotype, he didn't want to live in the "hood" forever, he wanted to get out so he began putting the pen to the paper and came up with a creative idea of writing a book about the life he was suffering from, this was a stepping