W e greatly appreciate all the help we can get from the public,to help M alaysia,to help the children,you can donate at:
- www.hungertamersaus.com.au/donate You can donate (one tim e or m onthly):
- $5
- $10
- $50 - $100
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Australiahasastrong and extremely reliable relationship with M alaysia, being Australia's 9th biggest tradingpartner.Other connectionsinclude:
- The total value of trade between Australia and M a l a y s i a i s 17 , 4 5 6 m i l l i o n A u s t r a l i a n D o l l a r s
- Thevalueof exportsis6,137million Australian
- Thevalueofimportsis11,319millionAustralian
- In 2012,the M AFTA (M alaysian-Australian …show more content…
So m e 8 7 0 m i l l i o n p e o p l e f a c e m a l n u t r i t i o n in theworld,3.1million children arelost to malnutrition in the world every year.M alnutrition kills morepeopleeveryyear than AIDSandMalariaand Tuberculosiscombined.Asiaisthecontinent with the most hungry people,among the children in M alaysia, 12 . 5 % a r e u n d e r w e i g h t a n d s t u n t e d . T h a t i s approximately every 1in 4child under theageof 5are underweight and stunted due to the lack of proper nutrition.Organizationslikeourscan definitely help put a stop to malnutrition in M alaysia,however we lack the funding and vital support. M alnutrition is killing,it will not stop until w e face it head on and strong,as …show more content…
- 3%AdminWork
This increases and helps our efficiency and the quality of the work which we manage to get done.
Hunger Tamer s Aust r al i a
Hunger TamersAustraliaisanon-profit, non-government Organization which aimsto provide aid with hunger issues to countries with which Australiahasasignificant relationship with.In this case,our main focus is on M alaysia, located in the Asian-Pacific Region where children are heavily affected by malnutrition,we aim to help them out, helpthem surviveandhelpthekidsout.
M alaysia is a beautiful,diverse and developing country located in South East Asia,it is329,487km 2 which is filled with a total of 29.72 m illion people.
M alaysia is Australia's 9th largest trading partner, h a v i n g a t o t a l t r a d e o f 17 . 5 b i l l i o n . M a l a y s i a i s s i t t i n g on 327.9 billion USdollars and is on the constant rise, yet they face many problems.One major problem is themalnutrition many children face.Thisisaffecting the future generation of our significant partner,and we need to help,to see them prosper and survive. along and receive vital