Certain breeds of cattle emit less methane; for instance, western cattle produces 120kg of methane a year, whereas non-western cattle produces only 60kg of methane a year, as showed in Figure 5. The table in Figure 6 indicates that farmers can also directly reduce the amount of methane produced up to 10% in short term by different dairy feed sources. In terms of adaptation, selective breeding can also be used to breed livestock that are more adapted to unsuitable conditions. For example, the Frizzle Feathered and Naked Neck Chickens are breeds that are better suited to higher heat than the normal feathering pattern (Climate Action Initiative, 2012). The cost of buying a White Frizzle Cochin Bantam is $4.17 while the normal one is $3.37 (Murray, 2015). Finding breeds that currently exist in the predicted conditions of climate change in the Lower Fraser Valley are good options of breeds to introduce as they have the genetic adaptations to excel in the new conditions (Climate Action Initiative,
Certain breeds of cattle emit less methane; for instance, western cattle produces 120kg of methane a year, whereas non-western cattle produces only 60kg of methane a year, as showed in Figure 5. The table in Figure 6 indicates that farmers can also directly reduce the amount of methane produced up to 10% in short term by different dairy feed sources. In terms of adaptation, selective breeding can also be used to breed livestock that are more adapted to unsuitable conditions. For example, the Frizzle Feathered and Naked Neck Chickens are breeds that are better suited to higher heat than the normal feathering pattern (Climate Action Initiative, 2012). The cost of buying a White Frizzle Cochin Bantam is $4.17 while the normal one is $3.37 (Murray, 2015). Finding breeds that currently exist in the predicted conditions of climate change in the Lower Fraser Valley are good options of breeds to introduce as they have the genetic adaptations to excel in the new conditions (Climate Action Initiative,