Lower interest rates encourage businesses, companies and consumers alike to acquire more debt than they should. For example, as a business or a company thinks about expanding, having a low interest rate could make a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to finance the equipment necessary for the expansion for a cheap price. As for consumers, a low interest rate may allow a them to purchase item that they normally couldn't, such as a more expensive house, without having the mortgage payment on the house increase. However, what if these people ran into debt? Would it be that horrible for them? Probably not as long as they handled it correctly and in moderation, but low interest rates can make this falter. This can be really dangerous if a loan was obtained with a lower interest rate and is not fixed, but changes as the rate rises. This make suddenly make the loan rapidly become more unaffordable for the …show more content…
If inflation is to rise by a significant amount than the government may be inclined for that reason alone. This will decrease the amount of spending in the economy and increase the amount of spending and borrowing as stated before. This is due to the fact that, now the economy is turning the other way, the value of the currency will go up as well as people can earn more now from the interest when