Babcock and Laschever themselves are credible sources: Babcock having a PhD in economics and Laschever having explored barriers to women 's careers in science. As well as being sources themselves, Babcock and Laschever also reference several other reliable sources to help strengthen their argument. In Gurian 's case, he himself is a fairly reliable source. The problem is that he does not have a single cited source in the entirety of his essay. Gurian does reference a friend of his who is an administrator at Howard University but fails to list a name. In addition, Gurian gave no sources or citations for any of his various statistics listed. Simply citing sources could have greatly assisted his …show more content…
No Place Good”. Babcock and Laschever implement clear and professional formatting, strong emotional appeal, and reliable sources. Consequently, Gurian 's essay is lacking in these fields; some more than others. This all goes to show, it is not only what is said, but how it is said, that can make a