The nonrebreather mask delivers 10 to 15 L/minute; this is the highest oxygen concentration possible by means other than intubation or mechanical ventilation. One way valves separate the mask from the reservoir bag, which prevent room air and exhaled air from entering so only oxygen in the bag is inspired. Sometimes one of the side valves is removed to allow room air inhalation of room air if the oxygen is accidentally cut off. The nonrebreather bag should not completely deflate to avoid carbon dioxide build up. The venturi mask delivers 4 to 10 L/minute; it has wide-bore tubing and color-coded jet adapters that respond to a certain amount of oxygen concentration and liter flow. The venturi mask vary by manufactures, some manufactures utilize a dial or setting for the desired concentration. Face tents delivers 4 to 8 L/minute and may be utilized for clients that cannot tolerate the face mask. The transtracheal catheter is a surgically placed tract in the lower neck; as much as 15 to 20 L/minute can be delivered, however, oxygen greater than 1 L/minute should be humidified. In addition, the client should remove and clean the two to four times a
The nonrebreather mask delivers 10 to 15 L/minute; this is the highest oxygen concentration possible by means other than intubation or mechanical ventilation. One way valves separate the mask from the reservoir bag, which prevent room air and exhaled air from entering so only oxygen in the bag is inspired. Sometimes one of the side valves is removed to allow room air inhalation of room air if the oxygen is accidentally cut off. The nonrebreather bag should not completely deflate to avoid carbon dioxide build up. The venturi mask delivers 4 to 10 L/minute; it has wide-bore tubing and color-coded jet adapters that respond to a certain amount of oxygen concentration and liter flow. The venturi mask vary by manufactures, some manufactures utilize a dial or setting for the desired concentration. Face tents delivers 4 to 8 L/minute and may be utilized for clients that cannot tolerate the face mask. The transtracheal catheter is a surgically placed tract in the lower neck; as much as 15 to 20 L/minute can be delivered, however, oxygen greater than 1 L/minute should be humidified. In addition, the client should remove and clean the two to four times a