However, in the anyalectial paper, I would like to talk about the presentation of love from Medea was actually selfish and personal, even she appeared to more pathetic and gooey. In her perception, love was to give everything she thought Jason wanted no matter what the consequences are, she could not think critically before engaging her actions. In the play, Jason did not complain or comment on her actions until Medea was mad and yelled at Jason regarding to what she has done for her that made her became an enemy of her family, betrayed Pelias’ daughter, left all her friends and homeland. (799, line 511-519) Jason then finally …show more content…
The play focused on Medea’s definition of love and illustrated less about Jason. Yet, from the betrayal of marriage, we could also indicate that Jason would like to give in what he is capable of; he remarried the princess of Corinth since he wanted his children to have better life. However, in comparison to Medea, he pursued love in a softer and smoother way.
In my analytical paper, I would like to compare how Sakuntala and Medea adopted different way to present their loves, and how the differences of presentation led to distinct