Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is a novel about a group of schoolboys that are stranded after their plane had crashed. Two of the boys the story begins with, Ralph and Piggy, discover a conch shell on the beach, and Piggy realizes it could be used as a horn to summon the other boys. Once assembled, the boys set about electing a leader and devising a way to be rescued. They choose Ralph as their leader, while they chose one of the other boys Jack, to be the leader of the hunters. Ralph, their leader, soon suggest the idea of a miniature civilization on the island by maintaining the signal fire and building huts for shelter. Enjoying their new life with no grown-ups, the hunters leader, Jack, becomes focused with
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Ralph soon becomes furious, along with other boys, there is soon a meeting. Piggy had said something to Jack, which led to vaillance, causing boys to be afraid of everything that is happening. Not long after, while all the boys are sleeping, a parachutist drifts to earth on the signal-fire mountain. When awoke Sam and Eric, the twins, are soon afraid, which causes the boys organize a hunting expedition. During this expedition, Jack considers Ralph a coward and declares himself a leader of a new tribe, causing the deaths of Simon and Piggy. Alone, Ralph soon finds himself running from Jack and the others trying to find him. Eventually he is forced out of the beach. Out of exhaustion, Ralph soon collapses, when he looks up, he sees a British naval officer standing over him, ending this story with …show more content…
Elected as leader, he says, "All this I meant to say. Now I've said it. You voted me for chief. Now you do what I say.” and as Ralph said “they quieted, slowly, and at last were seated again. Ralph dropped down and spoke in his ordinary voice,” (81) . Ralph soon sets about building huts and thinking of ways to have their chances of being rescued very high. For this, Ralph now has a great hold of his power and it is very secure. Showing his authority, Ralph believes things will work the way he wants, but he will soon realize his power, will be to much, and taken out of his

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