Within this literature review, the focus is to show the suicide rates amongst African-Americans. Hispanic females in America have the highest rates of students who tried suicide in the nation, with a 12.8% prevalence rate. African-Americans, on the other hand, have a rate of 10.2% (CDC, 2015). This review will present three major sociocultural factors affecting African-Americans: the male population, female population, and youth population. African-Americans make up 12% of the total U.S. population (Center for Disease Control, 2015). Amongst African-American males between the ages of 14-21, suicide was the third leading cause of death. In 2015, there was a survey done called the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which was used to …show more content…
This same article considered intimate partner violence (IPV) as a potential risk of suicidal behavior. The women who have a history of IPV are more likely to report a history of suicide attempts than women who have not been abused. Many studies that involve women and suicide look at the subject of IPV. This is because “suicide has been conceptualized as an interaction of risk factors and a relative lack of protective factors, [therefore] the study of specific protective factors is important in the understanding of suicide” (Meadows, Kaslow, Thompson, & Jurkovic, 2005). The women who engaged in high levels of protective factors such as hope, spiritual well-being, self-efficacy, coping, social support from family members, and social support from friends were less likely to try suicide compared to women that lack these …show more content…
African Americans report more chronic depression and associated disability (other things that are present) than do whites. In this study, as well as many others, shows that African Americans lack access to mental health services due to economic status and that they are more prone to suffer more from the mental health disorder. In terms of treatment for depression disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was used to treat the depression in African Americans (Walker, 2007). In the African American community historically, suicide rates have been low (Compton, Thompson, & Kaslow 2005). There have been recent studies done within African American community that is finding the raising in suicide rates and the causes of committing such an act. The previously mentioned study showed that there is a change in cultural dynamics in the African American community. Some risk factors that are associated with African Americans and why they committed suicide is because they are a group of minorities and getting access to health care can be a