Two young teenagers that are separated by the family tradition and forced to live without one another. Tita must follow a family tradition that states since she is the youngest one she may not marry and she must take care of her mother until her death. Pedro Muzquiz then believes the only way to be closed to his beloved is by marrying Tita’s sister Rosaura. These events allow for a life full of sadness and regret of being unable to do certain actions. During Titas years of living under her mother's rule Tita is given the position of the family’s cook and primary caretaker of her mother. During this year's Tita becomes a great cook and somehow allows her feelings to take part in her cooking. This creates certain magical events to occur in De la Garza Family, events like a person dying of sadness, a woman being stolen from her home for she attracted a man by the scent her the body gave off from miles away, and finally ignite of fire that last up to a
Two young teenagers that are separated by the family tradition and forced to live without one another. Tita must follow a family tradition that states since she is the youngest one she may not marry and she must take care of her mother until her death. Pedro Muzquiz then believes the only way to be closed to his beloved is by marrying Tita’s sister Rosaura. These events allow for a life full of sadness and regret of being unable to do certain actions. During Titas years of living under her mother's rule Tita is given the position of the family’s cook and primary caretaker of her mother. During this year's Tita becomes a great cook and somehow allows her feelings to take part in her cooking. This creates certain magical events to occur in De la Garza Family, events like a person dying of sadness, a woman being stolen from her home for she attracted a man by the scent her the body gave off from miles away, and finally ignite of fire that last up to a