In the very beginning of the story, light appears as two Will-’O-Wisps, the little fairy who illuminates weakly. They glam in the dark with their lights, they can also use …show more content…
Why does the green snake receive knowledge after swallowing these gold coins? We all know that gold is a precious metal, it comes from the nature, then the gold is adopted by human beings and it is made into many kinds of artificial product: jewelries, coins, crowns. Although the metal of gold is a gift from nature, the gold coin is a man made product. It is completely different from the original form of the gold because that gold coin contains wisdom, and it is the result of human culture.the green snake receives light and is able to see things in the darkness, which in general words, she transforms the human reason into human knowledge. In the other hand, the two Will-’O-Wisps is also some one who can turn the nature into an artificial product, but meanwhile, they act so immature that they look like two children, this suggests that Will-’O-Wisps is not only the symbol of childish, but also a symbol of human