Whereas if you take the time to learn and put the effort in with a proper education you can get further because you know what you're doing and your stories will involve more life and character into them. Further evidence can be provided in the passage, “Lets silence the creative writing course snobs.” where it states the following, “The purpose of Epstein’s approach was not to churn out Epsteinian clones, all writing identical books; it was to impress upon students the need to master strong, clear writing, to develop a foundation robust enough to support original ideas.” which shows that by your end goal you should be a master at what you're doing and it should help you progress further by allowing you to be more creative in your writing; which of constant repeats of the same book over and over. While on the opposing side, some say you can progress better if you just jump straight in and go with basic knowledge that everyone has and needs to progress. This isn't a good idea due to the fact that it throws you under the bus easily and can ruin you in the long …show more content…
Yet not only would this be a flat out lie, you would have the same path of someone without an education along with the possibility of more opportunities. That comes from sponsors and publishers, due to your writing likely being viewed as more credible by the buyers or sellers of your books, due to prior education and more than likely a graduation certificate to prove how far you've come in your path of writing. To continue upon reasons as to why the education route is best, you may come to find that without the education your writing off of premature instinct of what you know on a daily basis which tends to make writing feel lousy; imagine reading a book that was just two people talking back and forth, that's the outcome here. So in this case the better option allows you to more likely progress further and benefit off of your success for longer, while the other option may hinder your progression and overall skills that come with taking time to learn and develop