Three of which contained her cats which I completely adored, and the others were pictures of us. Honestly, favorite gift of the year. These ideas almost do not happen to contrast with Finke’s ideas at all. He even states the idea of getting a family tree just to learn about fitting in with our families. This is very similar. Truly, gift is looked at for its meaningfulness and not for its worth.
Anyone with money can go out and spend $300 dollars on a new gaming console for their children. But not anyone with money can go out and conceive a meaningful gift that children will cherish. My ideas do not contrast with Finke’s ideas. We both believe that a non-material gift is much more suitable than a gift that costs a great amount of money. The birth of Finke’s first child prompted him to consider a non-materialistic gift for his child. He wants him to experience the greatness of the holidays